Stolen moments
@yonar on Twitter
Caught between breaths —
Unexpected, yet treasured.
Not near enough,
But probably
All that we will ever have.
Hiding, out of time,
At the edge between
Where hopes end
And dreams live,
Fearing that inevitable moment
When cursed routine —
Steady like a metronome,
Slips back into its measure.
Still, the melody plays on —
Unforgiving, sticking to the rhythm.
Still, the melody plays on —
Running from
The silence at the end.
Strange horizons
At road’s end —
Leaving us breathless.
It might be the last
Wonder we’ll witness,
But what a note to end on.
Hiding, out of time,
At the edge between
Where days end
And memories live,
Near the end of the crescendo
When eternity —
Steady like a metronome,
Slips back into its measure.
Play on
Still, the melody plays on
Sticking to the rhythm
Play on
Still, the melody plays on
Running from the silence
Play on
Still, the melody plays on
Sounding to the rhythm
Play on
Keeping pace
Running from
the silence at the end